5 Tips to Survive Graduation (from a postgrad)

30 April 2014

Graduation is stressful: your last days of college are coming to an end, an awful lot of goodbyes seem to be occurring (and that is not okay!), distant family relatives are arriving by the carload, and way too many people seem to want to know what you are doing with your life. Take a breath. Here are some tips on how to survive all the madness (from someone who just went through it a year ago). Bonus: these Hannah GIFs I found…because GIRLS understands our struggles.

1. "What are you going to do next year?" The ubiquitous question. Which you will hear every day with increasing frequency as May 18th approaches. Good news: once graduation is over you can go hide in your parents' house for at least a couple weeks and refuse to talk to anyone. But, for now, have a quick and politically-correct response. As much as we all want to scream: "I DON'T KNOW, life is hard, ok? And the economy sucks. And I just took my last exam 10 days ago, completed my senior research project -which was 100 pages mind you- and am just trying to figure out how to pay off my student debt…Speaking of which, would you like to donate to my student loan fund?" that response is not going to please the grandparents. So craft a response like the following, and repeat ad nauseam:

"You know, I'm still figuring that out! [insert witty comment] But life has been so crazy the past couple of months! I'll definitely keep you posted once I figure this whole postgrad thing out. Thanks for your concern [insert name of relative/well-intentioned adult]"

Short. Sweet. Painless. Now go practice in front of the mirror so you look genuine while repeating it :)

Hannah Become Who I Am GIRLS photo tryingtobecome1_zpsf509a651.gif

 2. Lots of people will want to give you life advice. This could be regarding your job, which makes sense, but could also range from anything concerning marriage (snatch the good ones up quick!) to your fashion sense (can you young kids really wear that to the office these days?). And we know these people mean well. And they want to help out. So smile, and listen.

GIRLS how lucky you are photo drugaddict1_zps74e1c6ac.gif

SPOILER ALERT: Some of this advice might actually be useful. Never shy away from a new connection, or think your grandma is too outdated. There is a reason you want to seek out mentors to succeed in life, because experience is a very rare form of wisdom. It is invaluable. So while you may skip over the "boyfriend advice" make sure to listen-up when it comes to taking advantage of your education, your skills and your youth :)

 3. "These are the best years of your life!" Sounds like a pretty anti-climactic statement, right? I mean, if you just finished those four years…what's next? Hello-awesome POSTGRAD ADVENTURES, that's what!! Let me tell you, college had its high-points (sleeping until noon, being surrounded by your closest friends 24/7, lots of caffeine, etc.) but the "real world" has a secret…it's pretty awesome, too! While you will always look on your college days with a certain fondness and nostalgia, your twenties are not going to let you down. Can you say: big cities, new friends, happy hour and no homework??

GIRLS I'm Alive photo wednesdaynight_zpsc39e8d85.gif

 4. Remember: time is on your side. It seems like everything is in fast-forward mode, parents are expecting results and wanting answers now, you are in a rush to fill-out every job application in sight and should have started packing-up your college apartment yesterday. Relax. You are young, educated, talented, and ready to take on this world. Don't let life rush you. Enjoy these moments, your friends, these last few weeks at your beloved alma mater. Take it all in. So many times we focus too much on the future, worrying and stressing about things entirely out of our control. Don't let that happen to you. So grab that white wine, find your best girlfriends, and sit out on the quad soaking in the spring sunshine and the inescapable aura of college.

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5. It is ok to say goodbye. And mean it. Some people have become extremely valued in your life, and saying goodbye to them will be really hard. Don't worry, email, social media and the postal service will continue to function after you drive away from campus. And other people you are ready to leave behind in this "college era" of your life. That is normal. You don't need to keep all the friends you had for four years. You don't even have to keep seeing them on your News Feed. It is time to move on, meet new people who will inspire you and allow you to become your "postgrad self" and all the amazingness that includes! Go live your life, be fabulous, and surround yourself with people who will see that in you :)

GIRLS be happy photo 161_zps19c03710.gif

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